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  • Phillips Exeter Academy has a tradition of academic excellence, a distinguished faculty, and a long history of educating young people to find their place in the world. The heart of Exeter is its signature Harkness method of instruction. The Harkness philosophy, developed at Exeter over 80 years ago, is centered on a way of thinking and engaging with others that requires preparation and provides a sense of readiness for learning, for college, for life. Exeter is a school for teenagers who want to be surrounded by peers who share their intellectual curiosity and raw excitement about learning. The school is alive with learning: spirited conversations spill out of classrooms and make their way to the playing fields, theater stages, laboratories, the dining halls and the dorms. Students are given the freedom to explore and know their intellect, to challenge themselves in new ways, and enjoy the richness of human interaction. Hear more from the students on our admissions blog.



    • 名門留遊學教育中心-Phillips Exeter Academy






    學校名稱 Phillips Exeter Academy
    所在州 美國-2
    所在城市 Exeter, NH
    學校面積 619 acres
    住宿年級 -
    學生人數 1085
    住宿學費 $47790
    國際學生比例 11%%
    住宿百分比 80%%
    師生比例 1:5
    申請截止日期 2018/01/15
    是否有ESL no
    暑期夏令營 yes
    制服規定 Casual
    宗教 Non-denominational
    AP/Advanced Class 數量 1
    AP/Advanced Courses 列表




  • 寄宿中學搜尋