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  • 名門留遊學教育中心-The Loomis Chaffee School
    Keys Facts 2017–18 Sheila Culbert, Ph.D., Head of School Christopher K. Norton ’76, Chairman, Board of Trustees The Loomis Chaffee School is a renowned New England boarding school located on a 300-acre campus in Windsor, Connecticut. Chartered in 1874 by five siblings whose children all died tragically and who then selflessly determined to found a school as a gift to the children of others, Loomis provides our students with the best education — an education in which excellence in teaching and learning is shaped by the why, as much as the what, and every member of the community shares a commitment to the best self and the common good. (The Loomis Chaffee School Website, https://www.loomischaffee.org/about-us/loomis-at-a-glance)



    • 名門留遊學教育中心-The Loomis Chaffee School
    • 名門留遊學教育中心-The Loomis Chaffee School






    學校名稱 The Loomis Chaffee School
    所在州 美國-2
    所在城市 Windsor, CT
    學校面積 300 acres
    住宿年級 -
    學生人數 650
    住宿學費 $53750
    國際學生比例 15%%
    住宿百分比 62%%
    師生比例 1:5
    申請截止日期 2018/01/15
    是否有ESL no
    暑期夏令營 yes
    制服規定 Casual (no jeans)
    宗教 Non-denominational
    AP/Advanced Class 數量 1
    AP/Advanced Courses 列表





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