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  • Jason
    student >

    名門老師很幽默, 而且分數進步很大. 在課也很輕鬆, 但該有壓力還是有

  • Sandy
    student > 恩慈中學

    Thank you for teaching us a lot of English skills, especially reading and grammar. You are such a nice teacher. Thank you so much!

  • William
    student > 道明中學

    May is a good teacher. I think she teaches well. I enjoy taking her class:)

  • Jamie
    student > 新竹亞太美國學校

    Thank u so much for giving such a good and wonderful lectures. I’d rly learned a lot especially on essay writing. And hope I can get highs score on SAT essay in March after the lectures!

  • Collyn
    student > 美國當地高中

    May is an absolute GODDESS, she is amazing, awesome, exemplary, excellent, cordial, affable, and prestigious. She makes the class so fun and I could not have asked for a better teacher.

  • Crystal
    student >

    Thank you for teaching me SAT and a lot of grammar usage. You are a great teacher and I wish I can be in your class in the future.

  • Teresa
    student > NMH

    有別於一般老師,May老師不會給人有太多的距離感 學生很自然的就很喜歡上她的課。 我自己本身認為 在writing and language方面 May老師非常認真的解釋我們該怎麼用技巧去有效率的選出最合適的答案. 此外,每次練習後她也有認真的解析我們錯的題目以及跟我們一同檢討為什麼我們起初的判斷是錯誤的。我知道我們每位學生至今仍是練習不夠,但是在過程中我們也有學習如何避免犯之前的錯誤。藉由每次的訂正跟講解,我相信每個人的錯題數都有明顯降低 我們也可以自己講解為什麼選項是錯誤的。 在reading section 我認為老師可能幫不太上忙 畢竟「閱讀」 是靠平日的積累以及閱讀的內容。但是老師有特別說明一些方法去讓我們不會有太多懷疑的選項。雖然sat是考學生的閱讀能力 但同時有些技巧也是藉由May老師提醒我們才沒有犯錯。再來是vocab跟essay 我起初以為我們是要死背所有的單字 但是後來才發現老師藉由例句跟不同解釋以及點同學唸句子的情況下 學生擁有了聽覺以及視覺的記憶。拿我自己當例子 我是個記憶很差的小孩 我常常背了就忘記了 但是我發現如果跟著老師的方法走 以及寫功課時給自己時間壓力 其實每個人都會有意想不到的結果。至於essay部分 我很感激May每次都很細心的待著我們分析每個段落 和告訴我們如何在SAT Essay中適當的用詞 我認為這堂課對於我往後的寫作練習增加了許多幫助。另外 我很感謝May老師不斷的上課點名要學生回答問題 除了讓我們上課認真度提升之外 我們也同時跟著老師思考。我知道有很多老師是喜歡上課像演講一樣,但是反觀May老師,不斷的要每一位同學參與課程 無形之中也刺激我們思考。
    總結來說他就是個peerless, assiduous ,and amazing的老師~~:-)

  • Teresa媽咪
    student > NMH


  • Rosalynn
    student > Kaohsiung Morrison Academy

    我很謝謝你們的團隊讓我順利進了我心目中理想的大學。primerica 團隊的合作以及溝通都非常的融洽 很喜歡也很感謝你們 ❤️

  • E.H
    student > 海外中學

    Gary, Ann, and Joanne are amazing advisors who are always approachable and attentive. They have supported me as I tackled through the various aspects of my application process. I would not have the pleasure of attending my dream school if it weren't for them!

  • Ashley
    student >

    The help teacher Victor gave us really helped me achieve my goal. I initially thought that one week might not be enough for my preparation. However, practicing in the morning and going to class in the evening for a week was indeed helpful. I was able to find my weaknesses quickly and overcome them Victor’s suggestions. Teacher Victor helped me solve my problems in a short time and I really appreciate that!

  • Sharon
    student > 復興

    Wesley 老師:
    Thank you for being such a prudent teacher who always reminds me of all the little details in my work. You understand so much about the sciences and helped me a lot in this field. Thank you so much!

  • Sharon
    student > 復興

    Sean 老師:
    You are a nice and funny teacher. Thank you for teaching me a lot of English skills outside of the textbook and greatly improved my English abilities. And thank you for helping me to achieve a high score on the SAT!

  • Matthew
    student >

    It's a great course that prepares students for the SAT test. Classes are well organized and teachers are great at explainning. Material helps improve students' reading and writing scores.

  • 蘇同學
    student >

    不知不覺地在這上課快一個多月, 就快要結束了. 雖然功課很多, 不過也學了很多

  • Grace
    student >

    Great teacher and staffs
    Teacher fully respect my grades